District Employment » SGMS Playbook » Instructional Playbook

Instructional Playbook

The SGMS Instructional Playbook outlines CRISS Strategies and the MindUp curriculum for staff guidance.  Below you will find the different plays to follow in class:
Huddle Up Button
Connect with students and prepare them for the learning experience.
  • Meet and Greet at the door. Say students' names...
  • Post learning goal/objective/essential question​
  • Review yesterday and introduce today’s objective/essential question​
  • Bellwork, Sprints, Journal Prompt, SWBAT, SSR, Riddle,​
  • Snowball Review, Warm-Up (Music/P.E.)​
  • Google a Day, Hook and Nugget​
MINDUP Component: Visualization, Mindful Breathing, Chime Time, Gratitude List students and prepare them for the learning experience.   (CRISS* pg. 13)
CRISS* Strategies Page #
Analyze Author’s Craft 46
Pre- and Post-Reading Concept Map
Concept Maps 55
Pattern Puzzles 66
Think-Pair-Share 75
Carousel Brainstorming 86
Authentic Questions 95
Anticipation Guides 117
Mental Imagery 120
Content Frame 158
Double-Entry Reflective Journals 174
Dialog Journals 176
You Ought to Be in Pictures 181
Morphemic Analysis 228
Game Plan Button
Students are Actively Involved with the content as they are reading, listening, viewing, or doing.
  • Scaffolding onto prior knowledge, activate prior knowledge​
  • Teacher think-a-louds (modeling)​
  • I do, we do, you do; I say, you say, we say; Looks like, sounds like​
  • Chunk lessons into smaller learning segments​
  • Use a 5:1 strategy-for every 5 minutes of teacher talk or direct instruction, students spend at least one minute responding to instruction.​
  • Purposeful interaction with text, the teacher, and/or each other​
  • Time Limits: displayed with expectations, KWL Chart​
  • Strategic grouping, differentiation, Cornell Notes-modeled​
  • Review bellwork, students model Guided Practice​
MINDUP Component: Inner/Outer Stillness pg.45, mindful observation, brain breaks, Brain Dance(YouTube Jessica DiLorenzo)
CRISS* Strategies Page #
Power Thinking 50
Mind Steaming 76
Three-Minute Pause 78
Fishbowl 79
Concentric Circle Discussion 79
Socratic Circles 80
Read-and-Say Something 81
Read and Explain 81
React to the Fact 86
Seed Discussions 87
Question-Answer Relationships 97
Mental Imagery 120
Reciprocal Teaching 132
12 Minute Study 139
Stop and Think 171
Figuring Out Words from Context 226
Morphemic Analysis 228
Frayer Model        ​​​ 240
Brain Dance with Jessica DiLorenzo
Play the Game
Students organize information so it can be practiced and reviewed
  • Think, Pair, Share/Timed Turn and Share​
  • Data on the Wall​
  • Revisit KWL Chart​
  • Fishbowl Discussions​
  • Active Reading and responding​
  • Literature Circles, Active Reading, Thumbs Up/Down quick checks​
  • Skills Practice-Whiteboards, IXL, Review Games, Peer Review​
  • Four-Corner Reassessment​
  • Recorded playing tests, section playing/recording-Music​
  • Projects and Products​
  • Math Conversations-”Who Made a mistake?” Explain mistakes​
MINDUP Component: Cross-Crawls, Empathy through Literature​, Mindful Charades, Mindful Journal Response
CRISS* Strategies Page #
Power Writing 53
Concept Maps 55
Comparison Organizers 58
Sequence Organizer 64
Sticky Note Discussions 84
Authentic Questions 95
Questioning the Author 105
Picture Notes 121
In My Own Words 123
Magnet Summaries 127
One-Sentence Summaries 129
Free-Write Entries 170
Double-Entry Reflective Journal 174
Dialog Journals 176
Concept of Definition Map 235
Semantic Feature Analysis 244
Game Review
Students use, adapt, evaluate, and apply the information they have learned.
  • Exit Ticket​
  • Revisit Essential Questions​
  • Start Homework​
  • Formative Assessment​
  • Parking Lot/Drop Off Your Questions​
  • Tell me or Show me on the Way out the door​
  • Turn to your neighbor and share what you have learned​
  • What went well?/What didn’t?​
  • Listen to professional ensembles (Music)​
  • Write Up-Building on prior knowledge (ELA)​
  • Time Owed​
  • Time-Framing (Art)​
  • Truck Analogy-Learning to drive a four on the floor​
MINDUP COMPONENTS:  Thank your teacher on the way out the door; be prepared for an act of kindness in the hall; remind yourself how your brain works and what it needs for success.​
CRISS* Strategies Page #
Post-Reading Concept Map 50
Comparison Organizers 58
Mind Streaming 76
Discussion Web 82
Authentic Questions 95
Anticipation Guides 117
Summarizing Nonfiction Text 125
Read-Recall-Check-Summarize 127
Main Idea – Detail Notes 137
Conclusion Support Notes 149
Process Notes 152
Problem-Solution Notes 154
Problem-Solving Organizer 161
Story Plan 158
Observation Entries 181
You Ought to Be in Pictures 186
Explanation Entries 195
Writing Templates 200
Spool Papers 206
RAFT 233
Vocabulary Maps 238
Sentence and Word Expansion 246
Word Combining 249
Bring your Game
Neuroplasticity allows us to train our brains, as we train our bodies to learn a sport.  During brain training, repeated thoughts and experiences strengthen neural pathways, which, over time, come into play automatically.   (MINDUP pg. 111)  It’s Called Learning!
  • Get plenty of sleep – 8-10 hours   You are going through a time of tremendous change….SLEEP…Your brain and body need it!​
  • Eat brain foods…eggs, peanut butter, milk, cheese, nuts, fish​
  • Decide to be interested and involved in class.  You have to be here anyway, so why not make good use of your learning opportunities!​
  • You’re in charge of your success! ​
  • Be organized.  If you need help with organization, ask for help.​
  • Use positive self-talk​
  • Unplug-Brain research shows more than 2 hours of screen time a day leads to increased anxiety and depression.​
  • Get outside, move your body, observe the beauty of nature​
  • Use mindful practices​
  •  You’re an adolescent, and we all know you are the center of the universe!  Think about the impact of your words and actions on your classmates and your teacher.  We’re all in this together!​
Bring your Game
  • Take care of yourself; eat well; rest and recharge​
  • Use the mindful practices we teach our students.​
  • Yes, your job is important, but remember to have fun!​
  • The career you’ve chosen, or backed into, really can change the world!​
  • Remind yourself that you can make a difference in the lives of your students.​
  • Decide to make each day matter.