District Employment » SGMS Playbook » Students Bring Your Game

Students Bring Your Game

​Neuroplasticity allows us to train our brains, as we train our bodies to learn a sport.  During brain training, repeated thoughts and experiences strengthen neural pathways, which, over time, come into play automatically.   (MINDUP pg. 111)  It’s Called Learning!
  • Get plenty of sleep – 8-10 hours   You are going through a time of tremendous change….SLEEP…Your brain and body need it!​
  • Eat brain foods…eggs, peanut butter, milk, cheese, nuts, fish​
  • Decide to be interested and involved in class.  You have to be here anyway, so why not make good use of your learning opportunities!​
  • You’re in charge of your success! ​
  • Be organized.  If you need help with organization, ask for help.​
  • Use positive self-talk​
  • Unplug-Brain research shows more than 2 hours of screen time a day leads to increased anxiety and depression.​
  • Get outside, move your body, observe the beauty of nature​
  • Use mindful practices​
  •  You’re an adolescent, and we all know you are the center of the universe!  Think about the impact of your words and actions on your classmates and your teacher.  We’re all in this together!​