District Employment » SGMS Playbook » Game Review

Game Review

Students use, adapt, evaluate, and apply the information they have learned.
  • Exit Ticket​
  • Revisit Essential Questions​
  • Start Homework​
  • Formative Assessment​
  • Parking Lot/Drop Off Your Questions​
  • Tell me or Show me on the Way out the door​
  • Turn to your neighbor and share what you have learned​
  • What went well?/What didn’t?​
  • Listen to professional ensembles (Music)​
  • Write Up-Building on prior knowledge (ELA)​
  • Time Owed​
  • Time-Framing (Art)​
  • Truck Analogy-Learning to drive a four on the floor​
MINDUP COMPONENTS:  Thank your teacher on the way out the door; be prepared for an act of kindness in the hall; remind yourself how your brain works and what it needs for success.​
CRISS* Strategies Page #
Post-Reading Concept Map 50
Comparison Organizers 58
Mind Streaming 76
Discussion Web 82
Authentic Questions 95
Anticipation Guides 117
Summarizing Nonfiction Text 125
Read-Recall-Check-Summarize 127
Main Idea – Detail Notes 137
Conclusion Support Notes 149
Process Notes 152
Problem-Solution Notes 154
Problem-Solving Organizer 161
Story Plan 158
Observation Entries 181
You Ought to Be in Pictures 186
Explanation Entries 195
Writing Templates 200
Spool Papers 206
RAFT 233
Vocabulary Maps 238
Sentence and Word Expansion 246
Word Combining 249