District Employment » Kindergarten Materials » Kinder- Alphabet Instruction

Kinder- Alphabet Instruction

Alphabet Instruction

  • Fundations Sequence-Teacher gradually presents Fundations sequence, while aligning letter study with all curriculum materials. Fundations subsets: Set 1: TBFNM, Set 2: CAIROG, Set 3: DSEU, Set 4: LHKPJ, Set 5: VWXYZQ


  • Beginning Letter/Sound to Picture-Student matches the letter/sound to a picture. Start with limited symbol options until students are ready for more symbol options.

  • Picture to Beginning Letter/Sound-Student matches the picture to a subset of letters/sounds.

  • Letter/Sound Identification-Using just the symbol (letter), students identify the name of the letter and the sound the letter makes.  In the video the skills are retrieval/production practice (what does this say/what letter is this) and receptive practice (show me the letter A, show me what says /a/).