Tickets to PHS events can be purchased through Go Fan Park High School has partnered with GoFan to implement digital payment. Spectators can now purchase tickets online or pay by card at our events and away events. You can even purchase tickets for tomorrow night's game at Bobcat Stadium. Check out our page for more details regarding this process.
Check out this incredible PHS Marching Band performance. A couple weeks ago, the PHS Marching Band performed their halftime show at Bozeman High School on the Saturday of homecoming week. Here is that impressive performance.
Tech Teen Toolbox Don't miss the Tech Teen Toolbox this week. Teen Parents and Guardians: bring yourself, a personal device, and an interest in knowing more about technology and how you can use it to connect to your teen.
SGMS Football Plays at Bobcat Stadium! Sleeping Giant Middle School Football players will play tonight against Manhattan at 7 pm at Bobcat Stadium. Be sure to check it out as ADMISSION IS FREE!!!! Good luck, Cougars!
Update on nationwide swatting warning on October 3rd,2024 Please read the communication from Superintendent Johnson Regarding the October 3rd, 2024 nationwide swatting warning.